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Tan SK & Ling YM Wedding July 2, 2011

Posted by ~ bjlcm ~ in All About Myself, Foods, Free & Easy, Friends, General, Interesting.
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First of all, congratulation to Ling YM and Tan SK. The newly wed couple is having their wedding reception at the Sandy Paradise Hotel. I was there rather late though as the ceremony start at about 10:00am while I left home only at 11:00am. Upon reaching, there’s no more carpark space available so I have to make several round and finally foud on at the Copthorne Hotel, just right beside the Toys Museum.

Tan SK & Ling YM

By the time I reached, everyone were already there apart from Marilyn and KH. We took some photo while waiting for the lunch. Ehem, to my surprise the foods serve here is nice and quite big portion. Don’t get me wrong, I have the impression that hotel food sucks especially for such event as I’ve personally encountered quite a number of time so I thought I still need to have another round of makan after the lunch to top up my stomach 😛

Group Photo During Tan SK & Ling YM Wedding

Anyway congratulation again to Ling YM and Tan SK.