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Durian Again July 8, 2011

Posted by ~ bjlcm ~ in All About Myself, Family, Foods, General, Interesting.

After a round of durian feast, now my cousin Adrian is craving for one. He has been asking me when to eat durian over the last few days and finally we were to have one today.

1 红虾 & 2 葫芦榴莲

We only bought two durians and instead of getting it from the farm at Balik Pulau, we got it from the stalls set up at the New World Park area. We’ve got 红虾 and 葫芦 and decided to enjoy it at my house with the view from the 23rd floor.

Adrian Start The 榴莲 Feast

Oh well, it tasted good though. Two for about RM50 but I thought it was worth it.

The Delicious 红虾

The Meaty 葫芦

My sister-in-law also took some, very little only since she’s in her early pregnancy stage and doctor advise her against any durian but you know, the crave could be so tempting so just a small piece of it would help to cure the temptation lol 😛

Enjoying Durian From 23rd Floor

We left some to be taken back to Sitiawan for my aunt lol. We know that she and her husband would love it a lot.