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Company Power Breakdown July 7, 2011

Posted by ~ bjlcm ~ in General, Interesting.
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What a day in the office, at about 9:00am today … out of sudden the power alarm was triggered. We thought it was some kind of power trip or maybe false alarm as we do encounter such situation sometimes. However this time is rather serious, the whole company was actually having power supply breakdown and worst, it’s only our company was being hit with this problem. The TNB we working hard in rectifying the situation while we stop our normal operation already because the breakdown not only restrict to power supply but also causes communication network with external down too.

Office During Power Breakdown

It took about 5 hours to get the power back and another hour to get all the IT server and services up and running. What a day today and anyway, we were suppose to be on holiday in conjunction of Penang celebrating the State Heritage’s Day lol.