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Dinner @Kopitan July 6, 2011

Posted by ~ bjlcm ~ in Foods, General.

After the announcement of some road closure along the Jelutong Express (Rather known as Express Lim Chong Eu now), Penang-nite already anticipated jam at several main stretch as I do too. Today instead of going on the usual route, I took a turn to QBM hoping that it would be smoother there. Just as I turn in, I knew I’ve made the biggest mistake of the day, the queue started to pill up right after the first round about near the big open space car park. It took me about an hour just to move probably a stretch of 1km plus 😦

Jam In Front Of QBM

Tonight, we will be having our dinner at the Kopitan Restaurant at Sg. Dua area. It’s a newly open and look very similar to Old Town concept so I thought it couldn’t be bad right. However to my disappointment, the food is just generally not up to expectation.

Kopitan Restaurant

We ordered a set of Lemon Chicken rice set and Seafoods Tom Yam. Errr, nothing much special and I don’t find nice at all. The price is not cheap either (as expected) but at least the foods should be a par with the standard. A real disappointment.

The Lemon Chicken Rice

Lemon Chicken Up Close

Seafood Maggie Tom Yam

What a tiring day, stuck in jam and had an expensive yet not nice dinner. Sien 😦