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Our Tonight Dinner July 17, 2011

Posted by ~ bjlcm ~ in All About Myself, Foods, General.

This is not a very good weekend for both myself and Jane. I was not feeling well since yesterday night and suspected with mild foods poisoning after running for toilet for 3 times. Probably it’s the pasar malam foods that I’ve taken earlier that cause stomach upset. As for Jane, she’s down with mild flu and also sore throat.


油炸鬼 & 花油炸鬼

Since both of us was not alright, we decided to have something simple for dinner instead. After fetching her to consult on her sore throat, I bought her Gardenia bread and soya drink as dinner while myself also having soya drink but also get 油炸鬼 and 花油炸鬼 for myself. Jane cannot take deep fried food lol 😛


Gardenia Bread

After the dinner, she took her medication and we went to bed early. For her, she’ve got MC off tomorrow while I still need to work lol. Sien 😦